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Earn every step of your investment journey, get cash rebates, free shares, and more with CMC Invest

Here's why more than1 million
investors worldwide choose CMC Invest
Extended US trading hours with pre- and after-market orders
Low fees with no extra charges
Fund security and data privacy
24/5 SG-based support
Wide access to 15 markets
Trading charts and analysis
Real-time accurate market data
Invest in shares seamlessly, on-the-go via tablet or mobile Choose a platform that suits your needs and experience. On CMC Invest, our platforms are feature rich and easy to use for both online and application trading.
  • Easy access to SG and 14 international markets
  • Simple order tickets with advanced capabilities
  • Advanced charting with technical indicators and draw tools
  • Manned SG-based live chat support via the platform
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