CMC Invest – Additional app features – May 2023

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CMC Invest

03 May 2023

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When you invest, your capital is at risk.

Do you want to get started with ESG investing but don’t know whether certain assets match your principles?

Do you want to be taken through the potential best and worst-case scenarios for an asset before deciding whether to purchase?

The CMC Invest app’s latest features (including even more assets – we now have over 3,500 shares and funds) put more information at our customers’ fingertips, allowing you to make informed investment decisions.

We know investing is personal. That’s why our features are designed to give you more control over your portfolio. Whether it’s being shown when a stock doesn’t match your ESG standards or viewing analyst price targets for certain assets, we want you to have all the tools needed to invest your way.

We’re pleased to announce the following features for May 2023…

Important: When investing, your capital is at risk. Third-party information is not advice and is not a reliable indicator of future results.

ESG preferences

You can now set your ESG preferences in the app in addition to seeing assets’ ESG ratings and business area involvement.

This feature allows you to set filters for business area involvements you’d rather avoid when investing. Once set, you’ll be shown if a stock you’re interested in is involved in an area that goes against your values.

Here is the list of business area involvements you can choose from to avoid:

  • Abortive, contraceptives or stem cell

  • Adult entertainment

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Animal testing

  • Arctic oil & gas

  • Cannabis

  • Controversial weapons

  • Fur or specialty leather

  • Gambling

  • Genetically modified crops

  • Military contracting

  • Nuclear power

  • Oil & gas

  • Oil sands extraction

  • Palm oil

  • Pesticides

  • Pork products

  • Predatory lending

  • Riot control equipment

  • Shale energy extraction

  • Small guns

  • Thermal coal

  • Tobacco

  • Whale meat

Analyst insights and price targets

Under the “Analysis” tab on an asset’s page, you can access Buy/Hold/Sell opinions on stocks from financial analysts, powered by Morningstar.

This includes price targets for certain stocks, showing the current price and the range of where analysts think the future value will be. (Price targets do not include fees or commission.)

Bull Says vs Bear Says (Plus plan)

If you’re a Plus plan customer, you are now able to view optimistic (Bull) analysts’ views on stocks and pessimistic (Bear) perspectives, powered by Morningstar.

Under the “Analysis” tab, you’ll be shown three analyst views making a positive case for the stock and three contrasting views offering a negative opinion.

Company financial information (Plus plan)

Another feature reserved for CMC Invest Plus plan subscribers. You can now see detailed information on stocks.

Under the “Financials” tab within a stock, detailed information is provided to help with investing due diligence, such as valuation ratios, market cap, growth ratios, cash flow and measures of income.